Guest Blogging in Review: From O'Connell to Bradford

(Evidence of me wrongly messing with my guest bloggers--sending Cat Rambo, anonymously, a copy of Twilight with a special inscription after her post about the books. Followed by her initial response and my frantic emails to say it was a joke, which led to this. I still feel somewhat guilty - Jeff)As promised, here's a short summary of the guest blogging from June through early December, while I was working on the novel and traveling. In the interests of not driving myself crazy, I've picked my favorite post from each week and linked to them below. In some cases, I've chosen a second one I thought didn't get enough attention the first time around. You can easily check out other posts from a particular week by accessing the archive.In putting this post together, I felt a sense of intense pride about Ecstatic Days playing host to so many wonderful and interesting voices. A heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you.In blogging order, then, I give you:Jack O'Connell - On the Significance of NotebooksMichelle Richmond - The Thought Crossed My Mind that I Might Have Slept With HimFábio Fernandes - On Being the otherCatherynne M. Valente - How to Write a Novel in 30 DaysEkaterina Sedia - What Makes You Stop Reading a Review?Matt Staggs - Debate on Fantasy LiteratureHoria Ursu - The Truth About Me and Other MemoriesRichard Nash - The Customer Is Always WrongMeg Gardiner - Promises and DeadlinesMinister Faust - Summing Up Minister Faust (okay, I'm cheating here--I couldn't pick just one)John Langan - A Few Words on Charles GrantCat Rambo - Why the Twilight Series Bugs Me (Note also Meghan McCarron's Some Things Twilight Says Are Awesome But They Are Not Awesome At All)Interlude: Penguin PumpingVandana Singh - The Creatures We Don't See and In Search of Indian SFSir Tessa - The Pirate/Ninja Scripts (this is a link to the first page of posts, scroll down, because you need to follow them in order)Will Hindmarch - The Thing About ZombiesDavid Moles - A Change of Clothes (the first of a series of interrelated posts--well-worth reading)Jukka Halme - Reading Finnish Speculative FictionTero Ykspetäjä - Top Five Reasons Finnish is Cooler than English and Finnish FanzinesCherie Priest - Everyone Else Is Doing ItMegan McCarron - Kids Books for HipstersMark Teppo - Urban Fantasy Is All About Magic and Every Man and Woman Is a Star (about Crowley)Interlude Flashback: Felix Gilman Attacked by HamsterFelix Gilman - Test Case: Pirates and Period SteampunkK. Tempest Bradford - Dear SF Writers: Quit This Sh**


60 in 60: #5 - Machiavelli's The Prince (Penguin's Great Ideas)


Happy Birthday, Michael Moorcock