Radio Silence, Travel, and Return

(I leave you with: Riley rolling over the giant penguin Tessa sent us.)As I'm finishing off Booklife and prepping for traveling to Australia to teach at Clarion South, I won't be posting after this until the weekend after Clarion, when I might pop my head up between Victoria and Michael Phillips' guest blog stints. Victoria starts tomorrow.I'm going to take the final draft of Booklife with me and provide it in the common room for the students, along with some other stuff. They can be early adopters if they like, and test the heck out of it. Should be fun. Oddly, given my schedule leading up to this event, it'll be stress-free next to the horrific multi-tasking I have been doing.I hope you enjoy the guest bloggers, and I'll be back with a vengeance after Feb. 21st.JeffJeff: You know, I think more people have viewed Cupcake dog on my blog than anything else this year.Ann: That's because it's cupcake dog!Jeff: Well, still...Ann: You've got to give them what they want at least some of the time!Jeff: What if I don't want to give them what they want.Ann: You need to read your own book.Jeff: What book?Ann: Booklife!Jeff: Oh. Yeah.


Underland Press and Last Days


Victoria Blake from Underland: Guest Blogging Through Feb. 14th