Victoria Blake from Underland: Guest Blogging Through Feb. 14th

victoriaVictoria Blake is the founder and publisher of Underland Press, an independent publishing house dedicated to weird, strange, odd, and unsettling fiction, in print and online. Formerly an editor on the prose side of Dark Horse Comics, Victoria came to books through a career in newspapers. Most recently, she worked as an art critic for the Oregonian. She is a graduate of Columbia University, Barnard College, and has just earned an MFA in fiction from the Warren Wilson Program for Writers. She lives and works in Portland, Oregon.Victoria is my editor on Finch, and she'll be blogging for two weeks while I'm away in Australia. She'll be talking about Underland projects, the future of social media, and lots more. Please make her feel at home.


Radio Silence, Travel, and Return


Shriek: An Afterword--Genesis