Write what you know

I've been writing a lot about honesty in writing, and I want to elaborate on a few things. I don't really mean that everyone needs to confess every sin and write like the sun's going to explode tomorrow, but I think every writer has a passion for certain subjects and that they should be true to that passion.In my case, I've always wanted to write very personally, even in my fiction. I don't want to die feeling like nobody really knew me. I also love the craft and want to use it well. For a long time, however, I tried to write personally about myself without actually writing anything personal. It wasn't satisfying for me, it wasn't particularly compelling to readers. Then I died, and woke up.Now I write exactly what I want to write, I don't write anything I don't feel. I write about dark things and beautiful things, romance and suicide. I write what I know, and it resonates with people, unlike the muddled garbage I used to write. I don't try to appeal to everyone, because I know that I can't. Christian right-wing moms probably don't dig me, and that is absolutely fine.If you love unicorns and rainbows, write the Hell out of them. If you think God's a sadistic son of a bitch, write it. Write your passion, write what you know.


I'm finished


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