I'm finished

So, when Jeff invited me to guest blog, I immediately said, "I am totally down to guest-blog whenever you like. I promise to be interesting and write about something other than how much I hate Dune." This was followed by almost two months of being nervous about guest blogging. I had this fear that I'd get two posts in and completely forget how to write anything, let alone anything that even resembled interesting. I'm a worrier, it's my way.As it turns out, I totally managed to fill the week, and hopefully I was a little interesting. I definitely had a blast writing here, I really appreciate everyone's great comments. Jeff's lucky to have such fantastic readers, you all made me feel very welcome.Now I'm taking the road, taking the road home... Visit sometime? Oh, and feel free to follow me on Twitter.I'm finished.


Yep, I'm Back--2nd Anniversary, and Thanks to Blake and Phillips


Write what you know