Yep, I'm Back--2nd Anniversary, and Thanks to Blake and Phillips

(What's this all about, then? Find out this week. Thanks, Angie.)A huge thanks to Michael Phillips and Victoria Blake for guest blogging the last few weeks while I finished off deadlines and visited Australia. I think both added some unique content and points of view, and I hope you start following both Lithium Creations and Underland Press.Upcoming this week: thoughts on Clarion South, Booklife, Monstrous Creatures, and Native Species--along with the return of the 60 in 60.Finally, just a note that February 9th marked the second anniversary of living full-time off of my writing. It was a tough year deadline-wise, but also satisfying from a creative perspective. I stretched myself on several fronts, learned a lot, and came out the other end in a much stronger position. I am now, most months, doing less work for more reward. A huge thanks to Ann for her support in this endeavor. While self-sustaining, I still wouldn't be able to do it without her by my side, for a variety of reasons.The next few years will see lots of new cool projects: the return of Leviathan, a book on beer, a steampunk coffee table book, super-amazing original anthologies, a collaborative novel and a new non-Ambergris novel, and probably a couple of books on the craft of writing--along with graphic novels and collaborations with musicians. If I don't get hit by a truck, this should be a truly amazing time in terms of diversity and creativity. I feel like I'm just hitting my stride. (Chest-beating? No--more like self-reassurance. Everything could go south in two seconds. LOL.)


Clarion South 2009: A Teacher's View


I'm finished