James O'Neal's The Human Disguise

(Born on a South Florida TV news show.)I just interviewed James O. Born for Omnivoracious. He's a gritty crime novelist who's just had his first SF novel published by Tor--under the name James O'Neal. We've seen lots of fantasy/SF writers deploy detectives in their fiction, but fewer crime novelists turn to SF, so it's interesting to see how that alchemy works.The Human Disguise is a fast-paced thriller set twenty years in the future. The SF elements are what make the book really interesting, though. Are they completely believable? I'm not entirely sure I care one way or another, because it's all a lot of fun, frankly. It's an entertaining novel, and one that should satisfy a lot of readers. Good summer reading.


Are You an Agent of Chaos?! (One of You Crazy Nutbars Might Win a Grenade)


Evil Monkey and People for the Ethical Treatment of SF (PETSF)