Booklife/Finch Fall Book Tour Update

In the ongoing seek-and-acquire that is the book tour for Finch/Booklife in the fall, it's now looking both more manageable and more specific. Because of Booklife, some events may be workshops or presentations. I'm flexible.West Coast Oct. 28-Nov. 2 - World Fantasy con events (including a book release party after the opening ceremonies that Thursday).Nov. 4-15 (Seattle down to San Fran/possibly LA) - Since most or all of this will be by car, and include Portland among others, I'm open to suggestions of lit. festivals, writer groups, bookstores, etc. Chances are I'll wind up in San Fran doing a reading the weekend of Nov. 14th.NortheastNov. 16-27 (some combo of Toronto, NYC, Boston, Dartmouth NH, including a break for Thanksgiving) - We're still working out the details of city order, venue, etc. Again, suggestions always welcome as we hash this out.Mid Atlantic Nov. 28-? (Philly, DC, Carolinas) - The least defined part of the tour thus far, but with one gig each more or less certain in Philadelphia and Washington D.C., and lots of strong possibilities in the Carolinas.Should be fun.


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