Books and Book-Related: That What Follows You, That What Finds You, That Wot You Acquire

I am too tired to write about Shared Worlds--which is awesome, and Holly Black is awesome and Ann is awesome, and the students and teachers too, but more on that later--but did want to touch on those things that followed us to Wofford, those things we took with us, those things that awaited us, and those things we acquired along the way...First off, what awaited us in the cottage: many books on the bookshelves, including the ones above, which you may note includes a book called The Finnish Political System by a certain Nousiainen, intended to, erm, as the intro says, "inform Finnish students about their own governmental system."However the book also contained the following two notes, almost certainly by a Finnish student attending Wofford?This second note is perhaps more willfully belligerent and yet silly. I am curious what our Finnish friends think of this--and whether it was some kind of foreshadowing as to what Ann and I might be doing next year?Still, note that this book has in fact been withdrawn from the library system:Then, of course, there's the stuff you pick up at a stationery store in Asheville...Or the insanely eccentric stuff Ann finds in a bookstore in Asheville (this is the bomb, people--unbelievably cool and yet...insane).Then there's the Finch crap that finds you, no matter how you hide from it, accompanied by a phone call from an editor on the freeway......and the stuff you agree to review that gets sent to you on the road...As well as the stuff so pretty you can't not buy it, because you know some story will just love being written inside of these...And, alas, I retain an obsession for tiny well as big, brash books...Then, finally, in Charlotte, almost by mistake, we stumbled on Studio One, and came across a piece that may well be the cover of Leviathan 5.


Shared Worlds--Photos on Facebook and Elsewhere


Finch Cover, Tad Williams Quote