Finch Cover, Tad Williams Quote

finchThe cover for the finished version of Finch is just about complete--just futzing around with the blurbs and whatnot.Speaking of which, this blurb just came in from the awesome Tad Williams:"VanderMeer's FINCH is...well, it's FAREWELL MY LOVELY if Philip Marlowe worked for the pod-people while snacking on Alice's Wonderland mushrooms. It's NAME OF THE ROSE if Sean Connery's character was a conglomeration of self-aware spores instead of a medieval monk. It's THE SPY WHO CAME IN FROM THE COLD if all the agents were also testing psychedelic drugs and hung out in a post-apocalyptic Emerald City instead of Eastern Europe. More importantly, FINCH is a really good book--exciting, dark, suspenseful, and wonderfully weird." - Tad WilliamsFeel free to share your own news here. I've a long weekend of catching up on stuff ahead of me...


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