Stupid and Wrong

While there are certainly people who oppose the general outlines and specific details of Obama's healthcare plan sincerely...there's also a definite vein of racism running through the discussion in its more vitriolic manifestations. Expanding on the proto-racist language and "code words" used against Obama during the presidential campaign, this new manifestation has almost certainly been made more acceptable by the "softening up" and brutalization of language that occurred during that campaign. It's contemptible, and it does begin to verge on the kinds of behavior that might, were our economy worse than it is, lead to the rise of politically viable fascist and other extreme right wing movements. Yes, much of this bruhaha is orchestrated and whipped into a frenzy by canny (perhaps uncanny) political operatives, but regardless of source, regardless of sustainability, it's scary, it's stupid, and it's wrong.


Communique from the Continent of Stupidea


Shared Worlds Photos (Wofford College, Spartanburg SC)