Communique from the Continent of Stupidea

UPDATE! Stupidea issues another communique, after first deleting just about all comments from the prior entry. It reads in part: "Even though we are on opposite sides, I assure you that the real division in the world is not between Right and Left, not between Homophobes and Pervertarians, but between men of reason and good will, we men of the mind, and our mutual foes, the men of unreason, the men of mere emotion. Do not be fooled into thinking that because they agree with you for now, that they are like you." Yes, we men of the mind. Men, mind you. You wo-men of the mind, clear off now. But we men of the mind, we jolly right-minded men of the mind...well, I'm a lumberjack and that's all right. I work all day and...Oh, I give up. Stick a fork in him, he's done.Recently, a new communique came in from the continent of Stupidea.Stupidea lies just off the shore of the Land of Reason, with a deep channel of purifying water lying between the two. Stupideans are generally characterized by having large brain-like organs in their heads that mimic real brains by allowing them to use advanced terminology, although to minimal effect. Their hearts are unique because their hearts are tiny. When looked at under the microscope, these hearts turn out to be composed of ashes mixed with ground-up pepper grains.


Not Stupid, Only Cute: Capybara!


Stupid and Wrong