Murder by Death's Soundtrack for the Novel Finch

<a href="">Finch's Theme by Murder By Death</a>One of my favorite bands, Murder by Death, has made their utterly kick-ass (and beautiful) instrumental soundtrack for my novel Finch available on the internet. You can share it, download it, or buy the actual CD. There's also a green vinyl limited edition--scroll down. (You also get the CD with either of the two limited edition hardcovers from Underland Press.)I've already written about the soundtrack before, but I'll just add that it's truly haunting and layered and both bold and melancholy. I can't stop listening to it, and neither can Ann. Check it out, and let me know what you think. If you like it, I hope you'll spread it around--it's a great introduction for listeners not familiar with MBD, and further evidence to long-time fans of just how good they are...(Cover of the green vinyl version.)Finch is out November 3rd, and you can sample it and preorder below. Preorders on Amazon and Indiebound will help generate additional interest in the book from those venues. Thanks! (Apologies for being a bit of a broken record of late--it'll die down to a dull roar after the book's release.)--Finch excerpt--Finch from Amazon--Finch from Indiebound--Finch limited editions (Rebel Samizdat / Heretic), with MBD soundtrack--Finch press kit“Finch is a head-trip of the highest order—rich, complex, thoughtful and deeply intriguing. The novel’s twisting alleys echo with the vibes of Kafka and Peake, Chandler and Borges, Orwell and Burroughs, but VanderMeer is an original. This haunting story is an unsettling mystery about, I’d argue, evolution, mutation, identity, control and rebellion, and dissolution. In Ambergris, Mr. V has created a hauntingly alien world that—for all its viral, fungal darkness—sometimes feels like a visit to the darkest corners of our contemporary reality. VanderMeer is a visionary and Finch is a riveting work of profound imagination.” – Jack O’Connell


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