Gene Wolfe and Jack O'Connell Paired with Awesome Beer

I finally made a decision on what books go best with Stone's amazing 09.09.09 Vertical Epic Ale. Go take a look.

At base, I was reminded of Guinness, in that the foundation has that kind of firm, comforting flatness. But over top of that, there's a slow-motion carnival going on. There's a definite disappearing horizon of spice in there--it's just a hint but emphatic--and then as your taste buds encounter the beer fully there's an energy and a uniqueness that's difficult to describe. The taste tends to gather and grow, until you go from something that has a friendly broad flavor to something that would make a Pinback song or Frank Zappa solo look simple--without descending into chaos. There's a definite analogy to tasting a good wine, in that there's such a confluence of different grace notes and things to experience. Again, difficult to describe, but if I had to sum it up, it's like a great orchestra piece, with many different instruments coming into play, that starts out slowly and simply, and then builds to a crescendo that's never overwrought or melodramatic.

If you were to describe your favorite 2009 book as a wine, beer, type of liquor, or mixed drink, what would that description be?


Thought for a Thursday: Is It Really "Entertainment" That Needs Defending?


Murder by Death's Soundtrack for the Novel Finch