Deadline Reminders: Shared Worlds, Clarion at San Diego, Steampunk Reloaded Antho

Just a few reminders...First off, teen writers who are interested in a wonderfully fun and educational experience--the Shared Worlds teen SF/F writing camp is now accepting applications. Come to Wofford College for two weeks this summer and build your own fantasy/SF world, write in it, and meet awesome writers like Holly Black, critically acclaimed YA and adult authors Kathe Koja and Marly Youmans, Nebula Award winner Michael Bishop, writer and gaming expert Will Hindmarch, plus Wofford College's own Dr. Christine Dinkins, philosophy professor, and Jeremy Jones, lecturer and camp director. Artist Scott Eagle will also conduct a workshop during the camp. Erm, and I'll be there, too. There's nothing like it anywhere.Secondly, Clarion at San Diego will be taking applications for this summer's six-week workshop until March 1st. You can find details here. Ann and I will be teaching the last two weeks, together, and before that you get the amazing Delia Sherman, George R.R. Martin, Dale Bailey, and Samuel R. Delany. Ann and I are also helping read the submissions that come in with applications. We're extremely excited about this opportunity. Now's the time to bite the bullet and get your application in!Finally, the Steampunk Reloaded volume Ann and I are editing is still open to reprint submissions. As has been noted elsewhere, we may also reprint some Steampunk comics--query with regard to that. Otherwise, the short story guidelines are here. And, man, let me tell you--this anthology is shaping up to absolutely kick ass. Ann and I are very, very excited about it.


Finch: Finding a Way into the Novel


How Did You Die, the First Time?