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[facebook status message reclamation program initiated...]MORD GLIDE ACROSS THE DARK. STARS ABOVE LIGHTS BELOW. STARS BELOW LIGHTS ABOVE. NEVER STOPPING NEVER ENDING. ACROSS CITIES. ACROSS FORESTS. UP MOUNTAINS, THROUGH DESERTS. OVER SEAS. SAD AND WATCHING.MORD NOT UNDERSTAND HUMAN BEINGS.Two non-aligned moderates having a discussion.I'm sorry, but far right Republicans, talk radio, and tea party members have a responsibility to tone down their rhetoric and stop demonizing opponents or using metaphors related to gun violence. They had this responsibility regardless of the motives of the AZ shooter today. It's a problem associated primarily with those groups.Added some Dario Argento to the Netflix cue...never seen his films.Titles of stories unwritten and now fading into the fog of distance: Memories of Others, Belugatown, Mormeck, and Juan Mandible Sick Eyes. Oh well.You can probably expect four years of Evil Monkey on Rick Scott's case.Hmmm. Jonah Hex was okay but it wasn't the cat's pajamas, either.Look, it's a natural fact like the fact a horse will beat a fern in a foot race: LSU is gonna whoop Texas A & M tonight.creak creak *pop* owww creak creak bend *pop* creakIf I post here I'm going to the gym to shove a thousand pounds with my legs, then I'll do it. Right? Cause what I really want to do is curl up on the couch and watch Criminal Minds.I'm not sure but I think some of the peeps working here at the coffee shop I frequent were whispering "squid" over and over.Next up for "the three blind bloggers"--me, Larry, and Paul--is the comic Elmer, followed by a full-on review/overview of as many of Eric Basso's books as possible.Ann: "John Boehner doesn't even cry right."Do readers not get irony any more, or the idea that a writer may write about people whose views are antithetical to his or her own? Or that a writer may express an opinion by showing its opposite? Or that some writers--gasp!--dont believe in the idea of moral fiction or of fiction being anything other than a construct.


Finch on ALA RUSA 2011 Reading List


All Hail Emperor Rick Scott, Supreme Ruler of All the Floridas