Shared Worlds Teen SF/Fantasy Writing Camp: You Can Still Apply!

swJust a reminder for teens interested in SF/Fantasy writing--you can still sign up for the two-week summer camp Shared Worlds. It's pretty unique. You get one-on-one and group instruction with professional writers, get to build fantasy and science fiction worlds, and write fiction. Along with a lot of other fun stuff. What could be better?In support of the camp, SF Signal was kind enough to run a MindMeld with a ton of great writers, including Michael Moorcock, Carrie Vaughn, Patrick Rothfuss, and more.ALSO---the "What's the Craziest or Most Experimental Book You've Ever Read?" post has gotten red-hot after a shout-out from io9, so go check it out again---lots of great, recent recommendations.


The Finnish SF/Fantasy Community: An Interview with Tero Ykspetäjä


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