Wonderbook and Other Updates--And Your Creative Writing Questions

IMG_0457I have a deadline to turn in a chapter of the creative writing book I'm working on, working title Wonderbook, by early next week, which has me a little behind on blogging. Above you'll see one of the rough sketches I've done for the book. It's meaningless without the context, but in a nutshell it's a visual dramatization of a creative writing concept. The book will have over 150 full-color images, and in writing it I'll also be working with designer John Coulthart to come up with an effective visual language for teaching creative writing.I'll post more on the Mormeck serial next week as well---the next scene is one of those pivot points I really need to work hard on to get right so I'm not spending a lot of time revising later. After that, I should be posting more regularly on Mormeck.In other news, Cheeky Frawg is getting ready to release both Amal El-Mohtar's The Honey Month in e-book format and the anthology ODD?---the latter features a short film by Gregory Bossert with music by Danny Fontaine from lyrics I wrote and then Danny revised. Still image below.Although I'm going to be busy the next few days, I will stop by here a bit. So...if you have any questions about creative writing, ask and I will attempt to answer. Since I'm immersed in writing about the subject at the moment anyway....MysterOdd_Leg_1080


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