Goodreads' Ask the Author: Q&A Featuring the Southern Reach, Atwood, Allende, and a Host of Others

authority_600(Check out the FSG site for Authority with interactive map here.)Goodreads has all the info on their site, but basically they've launched a new section where you can ask authors questions directly. What amounts to the beta launch includes a plethora of writers, including yours truly. You can see what questions I've answered and ask me a question yourself. Below find the links for the other participants.I'll be answering two or three questions a day through early June, at the very least. Although I'm laser-focused on the Southern Reach trilogy, feel free to ask me anything you like. I've already asked my own questions of Robin Sloan, Margaret Atwood, and Isabel Allende. (Click on images to enlarge.) - - - vanderworld@hotmail2


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