Star Wars: The Crazed Gruntbark Nesting Dolls Version

Popular Mechanics asked a number of writers, including me, for our thoughts on what the next Stars Wars movie should be--and you can read their thoughts here.Mine, on the other hand, were too revolutionary and way too subversive to make it into the feature. As a practicing curmudgeon, and someone fairly ambivalent about the Star Wars franchise in general, I wasn't too surprised or at all concerned about this development. BUT the truth must be told. So, here's my idea for the next Star Wars movie in all of its amazing glory...GRUNTBARK MUST HAVE HIS DAY!***A worm-hole in time opens up and the actions of the resistance result in Ewoks never existing. Meanwhile, a resurrected Darth Vader, cloned from a ham hock and a piece of loose scrotal skin, becomes obsessed with mazes and builds a death star around another death star, and then puts a death star around the outside of that, replicating this action until it threatens to encompass the known universe. The resistance must stop Scrotal Ham Vader from surrounding them with a death star from which they can never get out. This leads to a huge battle that features dozens of Vader replicants that have been deployed on the various death stars in place of the ineffectual storm-troopers. Only Chewbacca’s great-great grandson Gruntbark can find the secret celestial sentient light saber foretold of old, the knowledge obtained from a message sent from the past by Yoda on an ancient un-hackable 8-track cassette. As a new horror concocted by Vader—mobile, roving garbage compacters—crushes rebels left and right as they try to delay the expansion of the death stars, the fate of the universe hangs in the balance.


Annihilation: The Questions a Translator Asks


Goodreads' Ask the Author: Q&A Featuring the Southern Reach, Atwood, Allende, and a Host of Others